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DrStool last won the day on September 19

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    Rue E Manny LePhillyBear, Nice France


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    Chief of Stock Proctology

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  1. This is interesting. Monthly, weekly, daily, hourly. Fartcalls. Gold Sings Higher and Higher Lee Adler 3 - Gold Trader September 19, 2024 The 9-12 month cycle projection suggests that the uptrend has reached its limit and a top is due now on the 13/17 week cycle. However, the projection for that cycle points higher. My bet is on that. This report illustrates why, and gives the targets for this move and longer term. I also update the mining picks as they swing higher. Non-subscribers click here for access. Subscribers, click here to download the report. Try Lee Adler’s Gold Trader risk free for 90 days! As for the hourly chart of the ES, 24 hour S&P futures, it looks as though we're due for a 5 day cycle down phase that lasts into Monday or Tuesday. But the base pattern from which this breakout came could power this move much, much higher. Stock Market Has Perfect Lineup for Fall Classic The 10 year yield is still basing for the next upleg as the US Treasury pumps billions and billions in cash into dealer and investor accounts this month. Macro Money Blows the Roof Off But the speculative juice indicator says there's been a waning. Will it reignite? Stay tuned. We should know by next Friday. I sure would not want to be earning my living in USDs and living in Your Rope right now. Oh... wait... Time to ring up my broker, Benson and Hedges. For moron the markets see: Gold Sings Higher and Higher September 19, 2024 Macro Money Blows the Roof Off September 17, 2024 Swing Trade Screen Picks – Eight Is Enough September 17, 2024 Stock Market Has Perfect Lineup for Fall Classic September 16, 2024 Primary Dealer Clown Show Danger Pales in Comparison to Hedgie Daredevils September 11, 2024 Here’s Hard Evidence that the Slowing Economy Narrative is False September 8, 2024 If you are a new visitor to the Stool, please register and join in! To post your observations and charts, and snide, but good-natured, comments, click here to register. Be sure to respond to the confirmation email which is sent instantly. If not in your inbox, check your spam folder.
  2. 5 day cycle projection pulls back to 5735. Looks like we're done for now.
  3. Here's a headline for you. RATES SOAR AS FED CUTS RATES Macro Money Blows the Roof Off
  4. Fed RRP slush fund grows $65 billion in 2 days. Here's why. T-bill paydowns. Macro Money Blows the Roof Off With more coming. If you're not on board, I hope you're at least out of the way. Here’s Hard Evidence that the Slowing Economy Narrative is False Lee Adler 1 - Liquidity Trader- Money Trends September 8, 2024
  5. Stocks aren't the only thing moving. Gold Sings Higher and Higher September 19, 2024 Macro Money Blows the Roof Off
  6. The current 5 day cycle projection on the hourly ES 24 hour S&P futures is 5740. I warned yesterday that the Fed was loosening into an already overheating economy that is producing lots of excess liquidity. Now the Fed adds fuel to the fire. There will be consequences, but for now, party on Garth. Party on Wayne. For moron the markets, see: Gold Sings Higher and Higher September 19, 2024 Macro Money Blows the Roof Off September 17, 2024 Swing Trade Screen Picks – Eight Is Enough September 17, 2024 Stock Market Has Perfect Lineup for Fall Classic September 16, 2024 Primary Dealer Clown Show Danger Pales in Comparison to Hedgie Daredevils September 11, 2024 Here’s Hard Evidence that the Slowing Economy Narrative is False September 8, 2024 If you are a new visitor to the Stool, please register and join in! To post your observations and charts, and snide, but good-natured, comments, click here to register. Be sure to respond to the confirmation email which is sent instantly. If not in your inbox, check your spam folder. Gold Sings Higher and Higher Lee Adler 3 - Gold Trader September 19, 2024 The 9-12 month cycle projection suggests that the uptrend has reached its limit and a top is due now on the 13/17 week cycle. However, the projection for that cycle points higher. My bet is on that. This report illustrates why, and gives the targets for this move and longer term. I also update the mining picks as they swing higher. Non-subscribers click here for access. Subscribers, click here to download the report. Try Lee Adler’s Gold Trader risk free for 90 days!
  7. Camptown ladies sing this song, Duda, Duda. Camptown race track five miles long, oh de Duda Day.
  8. Just another in a long history of massive Fed blunders. Nothing new here. Nothing to see. There will be consequences. See you Tamara. Until then, Bonne nuit et bonne chance.
  9. Reminder that the Fed doesn't set the rate. It follows the market. The market had already dropped 50 bp. Today, the Fed RATified.
  10. That's a bad take. Take out the mid year anomaly and the data lag inherent in the smoothing methodology and the chart shows persistent 5% growth. I assume that "adjusted" means adjusted for inflation. 5% growth isn't slow. And it's not slowing. I just updated the data through yesterday. Excluding the April anomaly the growth rate has broken out to its fastest pace in nearly two years. We now also know that the quarterly non withheld estimated taxes due on Monday blew the roof off. A mind blowing gain from the Q3 2023 take. https://liquiditytrader.com/index.php/2024/09/08/heres-hard-evidence-that-the-slowing-economy-narrative-is-false/
  11. To clarify, yield is the inverse of price. So a rise in yield is a sell signal for Treasuries.
  12. Sell signal on Treasuries if the 10 year yield holds above 3.666 Macro Money Blows the Roof Off
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