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specie last won the day on February 28

specie had the most liked content!

About specie

  • Birthday 10/23/1959

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    Farmington Hills, MI

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specie's Achievements

Associate Professor of Stock Proctology

Associate Professor of Stock Proctology (6/9)



  1. man, i feel more and more detached from other peoples reality every day. Is it just me? Free?
  2. Day really gonna stick it to trump now. Just like Hoover. He loved talkin bout the DOW and how stocks said he was doing great. They stuck that ponzi NVDA in the DOW right at the high just to kill it. Then he started bragging on Bitcon. Day takin dat to intrinsic value soon. Nil.
  3. Now that ADM and SCMI have been found to be cookin the books and Gensler is gone Monday and 18 states are suing the SEC i wonder what other books have been cooked.....NVDA, AMZN, META, GOOGL, MSFT.......could be fun.
  4. izata double top i'm see in tbonds?
  5. is the fact that Tether holds t-bills and treasuries any different than any hedge fund or bankster black pool? They all use them as the basis of their leverage. How else are you going to get to 20 or 30 times leverage. The extent of rehypothication to increase that even more remains an unknown.
  6. BAC's Hartnett and his 6666 and 666 comments
  7. could it be something as simple as the calendar? New fiscal year started yesterday.
  8. sword of damocles for how long?
  9. i feel just like james brown i feel good, i knew that i would. I just found out Debbie Wasserman Schultz bought a bunch of Hecla recently. She's second only to Nancy Pelosi as far as insider stock trading goes. And i have a ton of Hecla from much lower.
  10. EKGs accross the board. That isn't sinus rythym
  11. love to see JPM fall on a complete different topic Silver seems to be doing well
  12. i think the word you're looking for is THE
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