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It Took Me By Surprise, I Must Say 8/3/23

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When I found out yesterday. I heard it through the grapevine that the market flashed a big sign. 

That's right. The market made a top and broke down without so much as the by-your-leave, obligatory bounce from spport that I was looking for. So much for that. The breakdown has a conventional measured move target of 4470. The 5 day and 2-3 day cycle projection of 4495 is done. 

Here's the hourly chart of the ES, 24 hour S&P 500 futures. It looks like they gotta get above 4510 this morning, or 4490 by the end of the New York trading day to reverse this. The next spport level below 4488 is around 4470. Rally is Tired But Here’s Why Not to Go Short


Here' the 2 hour bar perspective. Question is, are they drawing a bead on 4455?


Here's the Treasury market reaction to yesterday's quarterly refunding announcement. Breakout on the 10 year yield means breakdown in price. The hedge funds massive, record short hedge is still working, amazingly enough, but Primary Dealers are not particularly well hedged, and remain heavily leverage long on balance. Aye, there's the rub. Let the Scary Pictures On Primary Dealer Financing Do the Talking


I will be working on an update of the Treasury supply data, and the current real time withholding and other tax collections picture this evening. Hopefully will have a post on that tomorrow AM. Here's last month's withholding data. We were warned that the economy was strengthening in contrast to all the soothsayer hand wringing. Facts is facts, and that's all we are interested in. Just the facts, M'am. Withholding Tax Rebound Sets Up a Bearish Fed Catch 22 

 For moron the markets, see:

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Do you get the sense that the large short position by hedge funds are simply one leg of their trade? Meaning, they may be short Treasuries and long stocks? Similar to the dealer activity? Seems when the bank crisis happened one prominent hedge fund completely went under with their short position.  This would lead me to believe a sell off in the stock market would see a reversal in the short positioning in the bond market.  With so much Treasury issuance coming to the end of the, this reversal of positioning could be what helps absorb  some of this issuance.

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1 hour ago, potatohead said:


Do you get the sense that the large short position by hedge funds are simply one leg of their trade? Meaning, they may be short Treasuries and long stocks? Similar to the dealer activity? Seems when the bank crisis happened one prominent hedge fund completely went under with their short position.  This would lead me to believe a sell off in the stock market would see a reversal in the short positioning in the bond market.  With so much Treasury issuance coming to the end of the, this reversal of positioning could be what helps absorb  some of this issuance.

I honestly don't know but I don't think it's going to go well in terms of absorption. The implied measured move target of this pattern is 50.


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good thing doc escaped FL It seems destined to become a leper colony.

"Leprosy cases are surging in Florida, said the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with a new report suggesting the central area of the state may have become an “endemic location” for the infectious, potentially debilitating disease."



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