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potatohead last won the day on May 8

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Professor of Stock Proctology

Professor of Stock Proctology (7/9)



  1. a close at the lows today would set up for a bad Monday...the pattern is big down on Thur, rally Friday morning then failure, Monday gap down that traps all the dip buyers from Friday.
  2. I think he was using a double negative, End of the world for all the end of the worlders.... Would that then be a positive?
  3. "But what if it really is the end of the world. Then what do you do?" Buy hard assets... Counterparty and systemic risk will re-emerge as leverage and private credit creation has played a big role over the last few years. Lee, your liquidity reports are literally a chapter by chapter historical summary on how and why this system is propped up and the games played to keep it going.
  4. excellent report.....how anyone does not see value in this is beyond me.
  5. Appreciate your knowledge and insight. Always like to hear your thoughts on subjects that few are willing to discuss openly. I find your perspectives even more interesting since you have lived on both sides of the Atlantic and have been a seasoned investor and professional in a number of industries.
  6. massive news. https://www.reuters.com/technology/cybersecurity/att-says-data-around-109-mln-us-customer-accounts-illegally-downloaded-2024-07-12/
  7. Is this one of those....keep buying until there is blood in the street moments?
  8. Lee, you called this a long time ago as one of your concerns about the direction the USA was heading.
  9. is that what goes on above my favorite chinese food restaurant ?
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