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BurntOnce last won the day on June 6 2023

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Master of Stock Proctology

Master of Stock Proctology (3/9)



  1. http://ahappyhabitat.com/music/albumVI/ZOOM0002-A-PIILOW-OF-WINDS.mp3
  2. boeing and intel are two sides of the same laughing stock coin.
  3. Doc mentioned the end of the world. such dirty, taboo words. Bullish
  4. http://ahappyhabitat.com/music/albumV/ZOOM0004-welcome-to-the-machine-3w.mp3
  5. http://ahappyhabitat.com/music/albumIV/ZOOM0003FOR-WHAT-ITS-WORTH.mp3
  6. bbc's Steven Rosenberg seems to be immune from russian censorship. it's always refreshing to hear his coverage, though it's been awhile.
  7. Marcus Aurelius (Meditations) would describe the current chaotic state of affairs as dissolution.
  8. they're talking about a trump rally on gloomberg radio. old news.
  9. this is the ugly truth why wall street rises; destroy the planet, harm the general public in the name of economic growth. there are similar evil injustices occurring. Bank of America Pledged to Stop Financing Coal. Now It’s Backtracking. The changes come as Republican lawmakers step up efforts to punish businesses that consider climate change and the environment in their operations. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/03/climate/bank-of-america-esg.html
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