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November Been Berry Berry Good To Me 12/5/23

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Yep, closed out a good month and off to a great start in December with an average theoretical gain of 11.9% on an average holding period of 24 calendar days on current chart picks. Reverses a couple shitty months in September and October.  Swing Trade Screen Picks – November Was a Good Month, List Still Mostly Long

Here on the day trading front, I need to make this quick because I have a French lesson coming up. 

This looks like top formation until it doesn't. And it keeps getting bigger, so it's either gonna be a bigger top, or a very nice high base for another move up. As usual, I have no fucking idea which it will be. You pays your money and takes your chances. We try to estimate the odds and go with those odds to the best of our abilities. 

So far, the market has failed to break out of the zone of major resistance from 4535 to 4600 on the ES, 24 hour S&P 500 fuguetures. A breakdown here would measure to 4485 ish. However, note that the market only needs to clear 4555 in the first hour in NY or later, to get this going back toward another at ack ack ack ack on the high. 

Good luck to punters of all stripes. Keep your emotions in check and with warm hands and a cold heart, consider the emotions of others, and especially your own emotions, as part of your decision making process. 

Amen. Hallelujah. 


For moron the markets, see:

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Hourly cycle oscillators have been on 5 day cycle buy signals since this morning. That cuts two ways. The conditions are ripe for a rally. But if the market doesn't get moving soon, those conditions will dissipate and the bottom could drop out. The biggest dumps come from bottoms that fail to hold. 


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