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Everything posted by DrStool

  1. The number they need to beat for a base breakout is 5492.4.
  2. 4 day basis cycle projection 5497. That's right shoppers, get your stocks now at a 1% discount in aisle 4.
  3. So big surprise selloff wasn't a surprise at all. I just missed the margin call news. I used to be on the CME margin call notification list. Don't know what happened but I never got the memo. Boo. Joke's on me.
  4. Another $16 billion in T-bill issuance announced yesterday. T-bills cut both ways, but the $76 billion in coupons settling next week do not. Meanwhile the RRP slush fund saw withdrawals yesterday, on the issuance of $16 billion in T-bills. The drawdown actually exceeded the amount of bill issuance.The total outstanding remains rangebound however. The sit tight mentality seems to be entrenched. They nibbled on coupons with the extra $6 billion withdrawn from the RRP slush funda. All signs that the party really is over for stocks. End Stage Hysteria Breaks
  5. Oh, my money! How can I lose thee? Let me count the ways. End Stage Hysteria Breaks The stock market seems to be growing increasingly random, with increasing frequency and amplitude. However, despite the wild fucktuations, the trend, for now, is still down. The angle of the dangle may change but barring an hourly close above 5493 today, the trend will remain down. In fact, the 5 day cycle has been in an up phase since early yesterday, and the market has yet to make a higher high amidst the wild swings. The immediate challenge as of 6 AM in New York, is to break a downtrend line at 5448. Failing that, another sharp plunge would be likely. If they do get through that, then the next move should be an attempt to get back to 5493. First the ES would need to clear trend resistance in the 5465-75 range. The 5 day cycle would ideally top out next Tuesday. If nothing happens on the upside before that, another mini crash leg could be dead ahead. For moron the markets, see: Gold Breakout Failure Signals Big Trouble July 25, 2024 End Stage Hysteria Breaks July 24, 2024 Swing Trade Screen Picks – Short-term Cancer Culture July 22, 2024 Politics and Markets Make Strange Bedfellows July 21, 2024 The Sky’s the Limit July 18, 2024 Picking Up Nickels in Front of a Steamroller July 9, 2024 If you are a new visitor to the Stool, please register and join in! To post your observations and charts, and snide, but good-natured, comments, click here to register. Be sure to respond to the confirmation email which is sent instantly. If not in your inbox, check your spam folder.
  6. Oh, that which I did not expect actually did not happen. It was just a fleeting figment of imagination.
  7. Let's look at the two hour bars to keep this in perspective. End Stage Hysteria Breaks
  8. Corrections are so rare anymore that when they happen it feels like the end of the world. But what if it really is the end of the world. Then what do you do? Go short? For what. We'll all be dead. Just sayin.
  9. The ES, 24 hour S&P futures shows little sign of a rebound as it challenges support at 5410. At 8:30 AM ET, it was challenging its sharpest downtrend line at 5425. Even if it clears that, there's more sharply descending trend resistance suggested around 5440 in the opening hour of regular trading. If they clear that, then we can think about a possible bottom. Otherwise it would still be crashy. End Stage Hysteria Breaks 5410-5400 is the Maginot line. If they go around it, there's air to around 5370. For moron the markets, see: Gold Breakout Failure Signals Big Trouble July 25, 2024 End Stage Hysteria Breaks July 24, 2024 Swing Trade Screen Picks – Short-term Cancer Culture July 22, 2024 Politics and Markets Make Strange Bedfellows July 21, 2024 The Sky’s the Limit July 18, 2024 Picking Up Nickels in Front of a Steamroller July 9, 2024 If you are a new visitor to the Stool, please register and join in! To post your observations and charts, and snide, but good-natured, comments, click here to register. Be sure to respond to the confirmation email which is sent instantly. If not in your inbox, check your spam folder.
  10. This is the 4 hour bars. If the market closes here or lower, it has broken a pretty pretty pretty big top, with a conventional measured move target of 5205. And I don't think it would take long to get there. End Stage Hysteria Breaks
  11. Pretty stunning selloff. Must be Kamala's fault. Nothing Wall Street dislikes more than a competent prosecutor. End Stage Hysteria Breaks
  12. Thanks my friend. I gave up trying to figure it out a long time ago. I guess it's because I'm from Philly. 😂
  13. 2 hr bar perspective. Breaking 5440 would create a top with a measured move target of 5225. End Stage Hysteria Breaks
  14. 5 day cycle projection now 5430. The market has broken out of the crash channel... to the downside! End Stage Hysteria Breaks LEE ADLER 1 - LIQUIDITY TRADER- MONEY TRENDS JULY 24, 2024 Last week we saw that the price to liquidity ratio measures suggested that the rally was in its end stage. The most recent data gives additional support to that idea, with those indicators touching upper trend limits in the week ended July 17. Under the circumstances, market action this week looks like not just a pullback, but more likely, xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx. Non-subscribers, click here for access. Subscribers, click here to download the report. As a result, my focus would be on xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx. Non-subscribers, click here for access. The bond market has rallied in July, contrary to my thinking that massive supply would hurt the bond market. The source of the money to support this isn’t clear, but deduction would say that it’s leverage, particularly repo. But repo outstanding has been rangebound. If it subsequently breaks down, that should be a sign xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx again. Short-term bills continue to look like xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Non-subscribers, click here for access. This report shows and explains the critical indicators that you need to follow to stay on top of the market as it tops out. Non-subscribers, click here for access. KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Act on real-time reality!
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