wndysrf Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 Anyone see the latest data on the ballooning number of derivatives outstanding? Growing like a The Plague, infecting everyone. And as the Derivative Pyramid Scheme grows and grows, JPM has decided to buy some HedgeFunds. As if they really needed more risk.......... More "professionals" to help the proprietary trading operation gun the firm's already skinny capital base. From today's WSJ: "J.P. Morgan Chase demonstrates Wall Street's growing attraction to the lucrative hedge-fund business buy agreeing to purchase Highbridge Capital Management worth more than $1 billion, providing them with a bigger slice of the booming investment strategy. JPM already has $3 billion of client money in its own hedge funds and $8 billion in so-called funds of funds." "The acquisition will give JPM an important platform at a time when institutional investors increasingly want access to hedge funds. In 2000, hedge funds had about $500 billion under management. By 2010 hedge funds are expected to control several trillion dollars." ............................... Looks like Exotic Escorts of every stripe, race, color, and persuasion descended upon the hotel villa of Armando Falcon this weekend, courtesy of Franklin "Mr. Potato Head" Raines. FNM was given a temporary hall pass for now, but it didn't do much for the stock. ................................. All eyes are on the HGX, SOX, WMT, and MSFT, all of which will be the key to determining which way the current trading range will break. Of course, all of the "must own" cult stocks will be bid up the next 3 days for the quarter end statement print. After that, the Big Debate on Thursday. After that, the Beginning of Quarter Buying Spree as new money lands in the lap of the Fumble Managers. After that, Pre-OpEx hysteria. After that, Scam Week. Never a dull moment for 9000 HedgeFunds, each of which is now emboldened to throw a Hail Mary Pass to juice up the end of year results so they can be the next fund bought by the Derivative Colossus for a cool $1 billion............
wndysrf Posted September 27, 2004 Author Report Posted September 27, 2004 MOC Sell Orders at the bell................ Huge volume. They waited until the last minute.
Sudaca Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 All major indexes broke thir short term uptrends and are now in downtrends. All major indexes could not break thir intermediate term downtrends, thus confirming them. All major indexes are now below their 200 dmas after failing to follow up on the break up, therefore at the very least, putting the longer term uptrend since Oct 2002 in doubt. Nobody believes any of the above... Looks like a "sell" to me...
Guest Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 desperate attempt to print the Dec. Dow futures above 10,000 at the close to prevent an automatic black-box meltdown tomorrow Sorry, girlebulls ?bearman......your pain has hardly begun.............. blood in street gap down coming NotMyStockNextShankPhobia
rog Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 WMT upgraded this morning. Closes at LOD in the red.
Sudaca Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 Stock to Bonds ratio ain't looking good for stocks, either...
Lock Limit Down Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 desperate attempt to print the Dec. Dow futures above 10,000 at the close to prevent an automatic black-box meltdown tomorrow They failed 0300 on deck Its not over YET Soon but not YET
Guest Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 <obvious understatement on> not many bears left these days <obvious understatement off>
Sudaca Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 "The acquisition will give JPM an important platform at a time when institutional investors increasingly want access to hedge funds. In 2000, hedge funds had about $500 billion under management. By 2010 hedge funds are expected to control several trillion dollars." Wndysrf, The time for a serious hedge fund crisis will come as soon as peruvian pension funds are allowed to invest in them. Peruvian pension funds have a magnificent track record at buying at tops every time some new instrument or asset class is open for them by the regulators (Although their overall returns have been incredible due to their local mining investments). Right now they are requesting permission to expand their international equity limit, as well as asking for permission to buy hedge funds.
Tchaikofsky Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 Close: It was a choppy session for the stock market that ultimately ended at its worst levels - speaking volumes about the issues weighing it down... Crude oil and anal cyst commentary all worked in the favor of the bears, and the equity market finally caved in under such profits' concerns... Crude oil climbed 2% for the day - ending at 49.64/bbl - as traders worried about the supply implications of four hurricanes off the Florida coast and incidences of civil unrest in Nigeria... As a result, the energy group was one of the few groups to find buying interest in today's session... Homebuilding/mortgage was the other exception as (1) interest rates fell in conjunction with the bond market's rally (2) August New Home Sales rose to 1.184 mln (consensus of 1.155 mln), and (3) Fannie Mae (FNM 66.50 +0.99) found bargain-hunting interest following its sell-off last week on federal regulators' accounting findings... Conversely, brokerage, biotech, airline, insurance, retail, and technology all led the market lower... The latter was particularly impacted by a Morgan Stanley downgrade of semiconductor to In-Line from Attractive and a Prudential downgrade of communication equipment to Neutral from Favorable...
Guest Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 hurricanes wars and rumors of wars terrorism and rumors of terrorism not even Oct. yet and bear boards quiet because most shorts have been blown out who is left to buy this crap on the way down?
Tchaikofsky Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 who is left to buy this crap on the way down? Fumble Managers flush with J6P's cash, of course. Also, your tax dollars are "put to work" most M-F at 3:00 a.m. Only way to make coin these daze is to scalp and run. Like that show a few years ago: "The Weakest Link." When you are up a reasonable amount, shout, "BANK!", close your position and wait until the cycles line up again for another trade. Buy and hold or short and hold don't seem to work too well lately. Just MHO. Would love to see some extended declines, though.
wndysrf Posted September 27, 2004 Author Report Posted September 27, 2004 "Never a dull moment for 9000 HedgeFunds, each of which is now emboldened to throw a Hail Mary Pass to juice up the end of year results so they can be the next fund bought by the Derivative Colossus for a cool $1 billion........" EXHIBIT A SHOWN BELOW: AGIX is up $15 from today's close. Up over 60% in a few seconds, based on some mysterious drug trial...... Currently trading at $38, not even visible on the 12 - mo. chart. HedgeFunds running amok............
Sudaca Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 Hey Wndy, Check out Caroline Baum on "Words": Fed Poised to Get Some Traction From Its Prose: Caroline Baum Sept. 27 (Bloomberg) -- I was sitting at my desk one day, poised on the edge of my chair, waiting for my feet to get some traction to carry me downstairs to buy lunch. Which is the more important implied action in the above sentence? Does poise trump traction? Does traction beat poise? Does either beat three of a kind? WORDS, WORDS, WORDS
flockofsheeples Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 did the crapvision shills break out the crude $50 hats yet?
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