Guest Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Mega bearish here Some very juicy drops so I'm heading back towards the money fast on the puts.. Seriously doubt whether this is just a pullback as some are wondering. Check out for some bearish intraday trendline breaks on the DOW. Have to say reckon a good drop coming up before there's a meaningful bounce... Hey Fokker I'm into the tai chi too (and a gym junkie) Some lighthearted (if it wasn't so serious) cartoons on financial markets..
DrStool Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Don't forget to log in. Guest posting will be disabled on December 7. Your password is the same as on the old IDS board if you previously registered there. G'night! Are you ready for the next wave?
swingbear Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Great to see you back, Mark. Hope you're re-charged and ready to give us the day-by-day on this downdraft through left coast lens. 100% urpix for me, bring on the red tide!
ProlerBear Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Mark: Good to see you back. I have no idea what's going on with this market. The recent run-up completely fooled me. The question is, now that the Fed has virtually no more room to cut, what hare-brained scheme will they come up with if the economy sours? Doc: Thanks for all the message board management. It's got to be a hassle. Your hard work is most appreciated.
ThorAss Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Mark, It's as though you never left. Unfortunately at the exact moment you got fed up, I turned bearish. Just a coincidence. Anyhoo, welcome back. The place was despondent in your absence. Simpleton, At the end of Intraday you wrote something about Idiot Wafers calling 150 on the Hewey while bearish the Zow. Do you believe that? Bonkie, If you're around, you answered a query I had about an article which discussed Gold's future in terms of how the marketplace works and whether there were any TA tools we could adopt to demonstrate this. Unfortunately much of the meaning of my question was lost (in the post). What I wanted was TA to identify where we might be, at the start of a Bull or over the hump not how high Gold might go. Sorry about that. Anyway, what do ya think? Rockhead, Thanks for the graph on Hewey on Intraday. It's right on the line if you can plot enough days to extend back to the high. Perfect 3 touches. Gold Teaser, Look for this rally (in PMs) to continue. Another big day is expected tomorrow with a chance of Hewey taking out 125. There are reasons for this. Find Dr.Au! No doubt he'll have something to say about today's rally over in the New Outpost #29. Maybe he should call it Outpost #31 now. Epilogue, The play for the forseeable is short the US markets and long Gold Thus Ends The Rant of ThorAss PS: If you're confused by anything you've read here, then I suggest you use some mind-expanding technique then get out your old phonograph and put on The Beatles, "Come Together." All will become clear.
Contrarian Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 mark - good to have you back - missed your views
brian4 Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 OOOOOH!-Asia is getting crucified wall to wall-which includes OZZIE land-Aussie Bear-go GIRL GO! Your Bentley is around the corner! Trade Safe!
buttugly Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 If Bill Gross says Dow to 5000. Warren Buffet says he ain't buying. George Soros thinks the US$ is toast. And Leon Levy says sell equities into strength. Then that is good enough for me. You may ask who is Leon Levy? "If power is destined to shift to Asia, do you want most of your wealth in U.S. equities?" Read attached. And he also said. "There is no system to beat the market. The future is never a simple replay of the past...The market has a life all its own... Succeeding in it is about making more "correct judgments" than mistakes".
PileDriver Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 I love the title: Deflation ? The ?Non Existent? Problem That Won?t Go Away Deflationary death spiral.
BearlyAlive Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Mark, Welcome back. My evening reading always starts with your column. All, I know some consider Sinclair to be a little eccentric but gold has hung in this range for a long time. I agree with Thorass - short US equities, long gold.
The End Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Mark: Good to see you back. I have no idea what's going on with this market. The recent run-up completely fooled me. The question is, now that the Fed has virtually no more room to cut, what hare-brained scheme will they come up with if the economy sours? Doc: Thanks for all the message board management. It's got to be a hassle. Your hard work is most appreciated. Being both bear and bull, i have to be, consider the proffession,What if the gov't made all dividens tax free? By the way i am 100% short with a little on the side (m/m) for future purchases.
torah man Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 welcome back mark. no one could be gladder to see you back. i only filled in by starting the thread in LOB but i certainly could not begin to write like you. We just had to hang out at someplace called mark to market till you got back. I added today's lesson in the theology area: questions unrelated to the thread are also welcome. be well
Guest AssMaster Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Just looking at the cycle tops and bottoms on Doc's charts, one things troubles me. If you notice during the multiple cycle down phases, the cycle tops have been very close in time to the preceeding cycle bottom. And in the multiple cycle up phases, the cycle tops are closer to the next bottom than the previous bottom. And the most recent cycle has the top much, much closer to the future low than the previous low. Does this mean we are in a multiple cycle uptrend? I don't really know what it means, but I do find it rather disturbing. Is it possible that we do a mini-correction to suck in shorts and then maybe go to semi-significant new highs into Xmas before the plug gets pulled. This bails out Joe sixpack, the pension plans, the mufu guys, screws the shorts and the gold bugs - what a nice present for the powers that be! I conjecture that they might set this up to get bears max short, dippers to buy then take it higher again, then the ball begins bouncing downstairs again. Bull markets = 9 mos up, 3 mos down Bear market = 3 mos up, 9 mos down One more month to go, then the same goes in reverse to sheer the sheep before the buying opportunity of the next 4 years. Just figuring out what would screw the most people and would leave everyone too scared to try to buy the bottom. It will be very volatile, very whacky. They've taken the dumb money, now it's time to take the smart money too. And remember, I'm a damned software engineer so don't take anything I say too seriously!
Guest Guest Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Wecome back Mark! You chose the right time to vacation and the right time to go back at it
Bearman Posted December 4, 2002 Report Posted December 4, 2002 Wecome back Mark! You chose the right time to vacation and the right time to go back at it
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