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B4 The Bell Election Day November 2

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Well this little country would have been watching and waiting if it hadn't been for the murder of a favourite Dutch film maker this morning on the streets of Amsterdam.


Shot 6 or 7 times and then stabbed twice and one of the knives was used to pin an (alleged) Muslim text to his body.


"Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh, who made a controversial film about Islamic culture, has been stabbed and shot dead in Amsterdam, Dutch police say."



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A failure to win today means the practical end of the Democratic party in national politics in the US. The Democratic party has been weakening for years with the substantial loss of its Southern roots to the Republicans. The Republicans now dominate the state governorships, both federal houses and the presidency. While the choice of candidates is pathetic (as the Economist put it, the incompetent or the incoherent), the longer term consequences are very significant. A loss today will further weaken the Democratic party's ability to deliver benefits to its clients, resulting in further defections from its base of support. I do not think that even Hillary in 2008 would be able to salvage this defeat. Welcome to the single-party state.

I do not necessarily disagree with this assessment. But having a one party state also means that whatever goes wrong goes wrong on that party's watch. If we have another massive terrorist attack with Bush at the helm I have a feeling that the Republicans will be out on their butts. If the economy goes into depression with Bush at the helm the Republican party will not recover for 100 years.


So again I do not necessarily disagree but I ask everyone to consider the larger ramifications of the model as proposed.


It's trading time - let 'er rip!

It didn?t have to be that way.  Out of the devastating tragedy of September 11 came a remarkable spirit of bipartisan solidarity.  America was united and the world came together -- not just in grief and sorrow but also in hope for collective renewal.

The spirit of solidarity after the tragedy could have been preserved, if the democratic system had been harnessed in an honest effort to investigate what happened (e.g., "Why did our air defenses fail? Why did WTC-7, hit by no airplanes, fall down?") and propose effective solutions.


Instead, the 'fixes' were applied first -- pass the Patriot Act, invade other countries -- then the half-hearted investigation (fiercely resisted by the administration) was completed three years later. "Verdict first, trial later," as Alice used to say.


All of this was done in an elitist manner by the ruling Depublicrat party, not consulting or even defying the people, who are the main targets of the new security legislation.


No wonder the country is polarized. Poke the sheeple in the eye with a stick, and they do tend to get riled up.


Chaos seems to have been the goal in Iraq. If an electoral train wreck develops tonight, you can assume that chaos is now the plan for the US as well.

Drudge reports that votes were found on voting machines in Philadelphia before the polls opened.


They're voting early and often.



They were probably doing some practice. The data base, if correctly designed, will have a date/time stamp associated with each vote. The output program will read the date time stamp and use it as a filter - i.e. none before none after. These are small potatoes and a typical Drudge-like worry.


The problem is if every second or third or random assigned Kerry/Edwards vote was programmed to be changed in the DB to Bush/Cheney which is a couple of lines of code at best no one would ever know.


the last 7 or so trading days have virtually been striaght up. Yet all the shills proclaim that once the "uncertainty" passes the mkt can proceed to rally? Give me a fricking break. Perhaps if the mkt went down 500 or so points goin into the election, but just the opposite. Too bizare. Sky is yellow and the sun is blue.


You can abstain when you're dead..except where I grew up in Chicago. There, your vote lives forever. And there are many other candidates, bond referendums (which should be voted DOWN vehemently), etc that matter locally...which is all that really matters for 90% of what you do everyday.


Consciously deciding not to vote, and expecting that this will send any message to anyone, puts you in the dumb electorate category. If you don't want to cast a presidential vote, then don't. If you don't want to say anything that counts about anything in this society, then don't.


Just bitch on a website the rest of your life.


morning stoolies,


Best of luck to us, and the whole world.


Machine, NWD, I agree with you completely.


The most frightening aspect to me is the total refusal on the part of both reps and dems, even now, with this monster staring us right in the face, to acknowledge their own primary role in the situation.

Heck, the reps even act like it's an -ok- situation! That's scary.


The past 40-years of joint rep and dem support for ever-larger gov and ever-worse infringement of our Constitution whenever it suited that day's pet notion; are precisely what grew the uncontrollable parasite we face today.


Without those errors boldly acknoweldged, without a 180 deg reversal of that course, towards a =less= powerful central gov; how can we even hope for change....


Butter, I understand your fear for the future, and your desperate hope that Kerry is a miraculous answer. I understand wonmug's outrage last night. But I hope you won't transfer those feelings into anger at 3rd parties like Libertarians; who were =alone= against this monster the whole 40 yrs that the reps/dems were growing it. It's unfair for the 47% + 49% who got us here to blame the pitiful 1% who did do their best to warn of its coming...


peace to all stoolies....I too detest shrubya....and Kerry :lol: ....and

and I too pray for us all...


Firing on all cylinders. All these lawsuits and voter fraud cases really bothers me. What a mess. What the old saying? Power corrupts and absolute powers corrupts absolutely? Isnt it time for strict term limits?

You can abstain when you're dead..except where I grew up in Chicago. There, your vote lives forever. And there are many other candidates, bond referendums (which should be voted DOWN vehemently), etc that matter locally...which is all that really matters for 90% of what you do everyday.


Consciously deciding not to vote, and expecting that this will send any message to anyone, puts you in the dumb electorate category. If you don't want to cast a presidential vote, then don't. If you don't want to say anything that counts about anything in this society, then don't.


Just bitch on a website the rest of your life.

Thank you . Proud to be a dumb electorate instead of a fooled electorate. Local politics and issues are a micocosim of the bigger picture. It is the same power struggles on a smaller scale with the same poor choices. It boils down to a failed two party system that was never intended to be. Abolish political parties and we might start getting somewhere.


Ever see a referendum on a ballot to cut governmental spending? Oh sure plenty to cut taxes - but never a ying for the yang. All the sheeple demand free lunch, and all the politicians are more than willing to provide a chicken in every pot at no charge. Too bad the chicken is rubber, the pot is financed and the no charge is merely a delayed billing.


this is just going to be another failure at the top..right shoulder of HandS. Everyone's net long, and there is no fear.


And it's the top of the 4 year cycle.


The issue is whether we blow off to the upside or reverse in...oh...about an hour.


Sorry about the above rant...I'm a frustrated conservative. I need noseclips when I walk into the polls today.


i voted against Catherine Harris here too this morning.....as an aside

some guy tried to run her over in his car last week.


bail has been set at a few hundred thousand dollars.


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