Hiding Bear Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 Welcome to B4 The Bell! While you were sleeping, Karl Rove was not. This may be the longest day in American political history: G.O.P. in Ohio Can Challenge Voters at PollsBy JAMES DAO and ADAM LIPTAK Published: November 2, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio, Tuesday, Nov. 2 - In a day of see-sawing court rulings, a Federal appeals court ruled early Tuesday morning that the Republican Party could place thousands of people inside polling places to challenge the eligibility of voters, a blow to Democrats who argued those challengers will intimidate minority voters. The ruling, by the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, in Cincinnati, reversed two lower courts that had blocked the challenges just a day before. It also came as squadrons of lawyers from both parties in Ohio and other swing states from Pennsylvania to Florida to New Mexico were preparing for Election Day skirmishes that will include using arcane laws that allow challenges at the polls. The lawyer for a pair of Cincinnati civil rights activists who had challenged the Republican plans to challenge voters said he would appeal Tuesday morning's decision to the United State Supreme Court. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/02/politics...artner=homepage http://synapse.princeton.edu/~sam/pollcalc.html http://www.electoral-vote.com/pred/index.html Good Trading!
Guest Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 Ok, I am prepared. I have my voter card and drivers license together in my purse. I have studied the issues and candidates and propositions. So I won't get confused if I get hassled or something at the polls, I have written down all my choices on a piece of paper which also goes in purse. Final step: pray a whole lot! oh, I forgot: drive to the polling place and vote! Argggg! All details but no Action? maybe we need to think about that.
DrStool Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 Well, like I said. The junta controls Florida and Ohio, and the federal courts. I don't give a good goddamn how people vote. It will take a miracle from God to prevent the junta from controlling the outcome. It doesn't take a soothsayer to predict that there will be ugly scenes emanting from Ohio and Florida today. Meanwhile in heavily Democratic Palm Beach County, thousands more voters are disenfranchised. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/politics/cont...entee_1102.html I have no hope of a just and fair outcome. We are heading into the jaws of hell. The fact that anything even close to 50% of the people in this country would support this regime indicates what a truly sick and depraved society this is. I pray for a miracle.
Bearman Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 sounds like poll workers have problems ... local tell palm bch crowd its earlybird and they can be superfast they have a record on firguring out democrap ballots people get the goverment they vote for
machinehead Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 Fox 'News' just reported that a Supreme Court justice declined to hear an appeal of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals decision mentioned by Hiding Bear. So apparently, poll challenges will be possible in Ohio today. FUR the first time since voting in the Nixon-McGovern contest at age 18, I'll sit out this election. I flatly refuse to endorse the Skull and Bones warmonger clowns on offer from the Depublicrat party. Eff Bush ... eff Kerry ... eff the media ... and eff democracy.
DrStool Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 Problematic Portents Not Liking The Look Your Golden Stool, including short and long term updated charts and price targets, is loaded. Even if you are not a goldbug, you should check out the Golden Stool. It's in your Anals daily. Take a subscribatory and download the Golden Stool RIGHT NOW! 30 Day Intro Subscribatory. Just $16.99! Get In RIGHT NOW!
Guest Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 Well, like I said. The junta controls Florida and Ohio, and the federal courts. I don't give a good goddamn how people vote. It will take a miracle from God to prevent the junta from controlling the outcome. It doesn't take a soothsayer to predict that there will be ugly scenes emanting from Ohio and Florida today. Meanwhile in heavily Democratic Palm Beach County, thousands more voters are disenfranchised. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/politics/cont...entee_1102.html I have no hope of a just and fair outcome. We are heading into the jaws of hell. The fact that anything even close to 50% of the people in this country would support this regime indicates what a truly sick and depraved society this is. I pray for a miracle. From the Palm Beach article... "It's scary to me. Who is orchestrating all this?" This from a woman whose vote won't be counted because the absentee ballot arrrived too late to matter. In Florida, the answer to this question is clearly Jeb Bush. Can it really be that there are voters in Florida who are so missing this obvious point? How can there be a party in US politics in favor of vote suppression? How can it be that 50% of the population support this? Praying right along with you, Doc.
depends Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 ...The junta controls... Yes they do. Of course, some democrats will blame Nader, and some will blame the republicans ... if you get my drift. I don't think it will be ugly. I think it may get bogged in court, but democrats will soon be marching in the parade. The duapity party. Hey, it's electronic voting ... vote any way you like. Pretend you have a choice. Democrats let that happen too. MH - I voted - somehow I need the illusion. Only took 30 min to get through.
Butterfield 8 Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 machine, what state are you in ?
machinehead Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 machine, what state are you in ? NY By the way, the Bush-to-Kerry yard sign ratio is 10:1 in our corner of Rockland County ...
Butterfield 8 Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 And that is not enough to get you to the polls?
machinehead Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 And that is not enough to get you to the polls? No. Bush and Kerry both offend my values ... the war, the Patriot Act, the blind endorsement of Sharon ... I wouldn't lift the tip of my pinky finger to help either one of them. By not voting, we can best delegitimize the 'winner.' Let's get out the non-vote!
DrStool Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 It is surprising that the polls have Kerry carrying NY, given that the gov and mayor of NY are both part of the junta. They may not be able to counter the sheer volume of the numbers coming out of NYC. Good luck to all of us who have spoken out on this board against what we see going on. We are going to need it. I feel a particular sense of risk, but I will continue to write what I think. Good luck, and God bless, Stoolies. A time of great struggle and hardship lies ahead.
DrStool Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 Didn't Kerry at least state that he thought the Patriot Act needed some changes?
Tchaikofsky Posted November 2, 2004 Report Posted November 2, 2004 Didn't Kerry at least state that he thought the Patriot Act needed some changes? It's easy to talk about ditching Bush. It's much harder to say who should replace him. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., did not vote against the war in Iraq. He did not vote against the Patriot Act. Despite repeating the phrase often in the three presidential debates, Kerry has not told us "exactly how" he's going to do anything. The Bush-Cheney campaign itself offers the best endorsement for John Kerry: He changes his mind. When it became increasingly obvious that the war in Iraq was based on faulty intelligence and downright ignorance, Kerry was willing to call out the administration. As law enforcement officers began using anti-terrorism powers to create an unsettling culture of surveillance in America, Kerry attacked the way the Patriot act is used. Far from being a mindless flip-flopper, Kerry has proven that he is willing to listen to public input. Kerry's brand of flip-flopping would be a welcome change from an administration that simply refuses to admit mistakes or accept any responsibility for the disaster zone it has created in the Middle East. It's about time that someone in the White House has an open mind. The Daily Texan endorses John Kerry for president of the United States.
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